Our beautiful bouquet of 12 white roses and 5 alstroemerias with daizy poms is the perfect way to express your love and appreciation to someone special in Beirut, Lebanon. The delicate white roses symbolize purity and innocence, while the vibrant alstroemerias add a pop of color and excitement. Each stem has been carefully selected and arranged by our best florists to create a stunning combination of textures and shapes. The soft, velvety petals of the roses perfectly complement the delicate petals of the alstroemerias, creating a bouquet that is both elegant and playful. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion. It will arrive beautifully wrapped and ready for delivery, ensuring that your gesture of love and appreciation is felt and remembered long after the flowers have been received. Order your bouquet of 12 white roses 5 alstroemerias and daizy poms today from our flower shop in Beirut. We deliver throughout the city and surrounding areas, ensuring that your gift arrives on time and in perfect condition. Celebrate life's special moments with us and let us help you make them even more magical with our stunning floral arrangements.