This stunning bouquet of 10 white roses, 3 white lilies, and other carefully selected white seasonal flowers in a vase is a true vision of elegance and beauty. Its pure white color symbolizes peace, purity, and new beginnings, making it the perfect gift for congratulating a loved one on a new job. Each of these beautifully crafted blooms is hand-selected and arranged by our expert florists here at our Beirut-based flower shop. The arrangement is skillfully crafted with passion and care, paying special attention to detail, ensuring that every stem and petal are perfectly placed to create a stunning visual display that will captivate the senses and ignite emotions. Whether you want to express love, congratulations, gratitude, or just pure admiration, this bouquet is sure to convey your message and touch the heart of the recipient. Order now and make someone's day brighter today with this elegant and timeless bouquet. Our delivery services reach every corner of Beirut and its surroundings, so you can rest assured that your gift will arrive promptly and in perfect condition.